Bro. Nelson J. Senter, the second son of Gilbert W. Senter, one of the first inductees into the Agriculture and Home Economics Hall of Fame, grew up around the Tennesse State Universty campus. He attended the A&I State College Kindergarten and Davidson County Schools. After graduating from Pearl High School in 1938, Mr. Senter enrolled in Tennessee A&I State College majoring in Agriculture Education under the tutelage of Dr. Walter S. Davis. His college career was interrupted for two years when he went to work as a printer. He returned to A&I State College in 1942 and graduated in 1944. Immediately after graduation, Mr. Senter was inducted into the U.S Marine Corp where he served for two and ½ half years. After his discharge from military service he was hired to teach vocational Agriculture at Haynes High Achool where he began a truly outstanding career that spanned forty-two years.
Among Mr. Senter awards and achievements are: President of the Tennessee Vocational Agriculture Association; Outstanding Educator Most Exemplifying Brotherhood; and Appointee to the Joint State Staff for Tennessee FFA Foundation and was one of four founders of the Education Council, the forerunner of the Metropolitan Nashville Education Association. His most recent award was the prestigious H.O Sargent Award. This award, given at the National FFA Meeting, recognized Mr. Senter’s success in achieving and promoting diversity in agricultural education in the and Future Farmers of America.
Mr. Senter continues to give invaluable community service through each of his organizational and religious affiliations. These include membership in Eta Beta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity where he have served in many capacities, including eight years as president. He was selected twice as Chapter Man of The Year in Education. He has served as Assistant Scout Master and solicitor of funds for Vanderbilt’s Children Hospital and Meharry’s Sickle Cell Anemia Program. For sixty-five years, Mr. Senter was a faithful member of Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church. In addition to his sixty-five year choir membership, he has also served as superintendent of the Sunday School, BTU Director and Chairman of Education Committee.
The Eta Beta Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. hosts our annual Nelson J. Senter Scholarship Luncheon to recognize Nashville area college-bound high school seniors for scholastic accomplishments. Named for Bro. Nelson J. Senter, the annual scholarship luncheon has been the conduit to providing over $200,000 in scholarship awards to Nashville area students since its inception.
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